Dry eye syndrome is a very common condition caused by either an insufficient amount of tears, or poor quality of tears. There are some medications that can cause dry eye, such as antihistamines, certain antidepressants, and some blood pressure medications.
Environmental factors such as poor air quality, or tasks that require less blinking such as driving or reading can cause dry eye syndrome.
There are multiple effective treatments for dry eye available at our offices.
Mild dry eye symptoms can be treated with eye drops that you can find at your pharmacy. If your symptoms are more persistent, your treatment options depend on what is causing your dry eye.
Some symptoms may suggest an autoimmune disorder, such as rheumatoid arthritis, so it is important for you to see an eye doctor if you have serious symptoms. Remember, dry eye is very common and our doctors at Premier Eye Clinic are experienced in the treatment of this condition.
It is important to remember there is currently no outright cure for dry eye, but the treatments are effective in managing symptoms and making dry eye syndrome more comfortable to live with. Premier Eye Clinic encourages you to come in for an eye exam if you are experiencing any dry eye symptoms.
Many people suffer for years from the discomfort and pain of Dry Eye Disease Most try various products to manage their disease, and while many of the Over-The-Counter products can provide relief, it is just temporary symptom relief.
Schedule an appointment at Premier Eye Clinic in Port Orange, FL, today!