Premier Eye Clinic provides comprehensive eye examination and treatment for patients of all ages. Our doctors are highly experienced in the medical, surgical, and optical management of your vision and your eye.
We provide advanced cataract surgery with "No injection, No stitch, No patch.” We are the leading provider of refractive cataract surgery, and premium lens implants for cataract surgery. Additionally, we provide the entire spectrum of glaucoma care, from medications to lasers, to different levels of surgical intervention. We are also highly experienced in eyelid surgery, diabetic eye care, dry eye treatments and many other eye conditions and diseases. For patients who desire to be free of glasses and contact lenses, we are proud to offer LASIK/PRK surgery or refractive lens surgery.
For patients who wear glasses or contact lenses, our dedicated optical staff will be glad to assist you in selecting among the broad range of frame and lens designs in our optical shop to suit your personal vision needs.
We provide fast appointments with compassionate, personalized care. Our team of doctors and professional staff are committed to your eye and vision goals.
Custom Lens Implants is your opportunity for visual freedom! For most cataract patients, life without glasses or contact lenses is something they either experienced before or they have dreamed about. But, today new surgical technology and custom lens implants are turning those dreams into reality.
Most that get glaucoma have no idea they actually have this damaging disease. Loss of vision normally occurs gradually. If left untreated, glaucoma permanently damages the optic nerve, leading to blindness. If it is detected early enough the progress of the disease can be halted with medical and surgical treatment options. Request an appointment with one of our eye doctors to schedule your glaucoma consultation today!